Where to start if we want an economy that serves us instead of shapes us? In collaboration with Research Group New Economy Avans University of Applied Sciences and Rabo Art Lab, Future of Work invited speakers to consider this question from their specific perspective during the Reverse Economy, part of the Kick-off festival public programme.
Pascale Gatzen spoke about The Linen Project and exploring a local ecosystemic value chain, Ruthendo Ngara shared her insight from a South African perspective as an Indigenous Knowledge Systems (ZAF) researcher and practitioner, and Yazan Khalili spoke about the potential of blockchain technology with regard to his experience as part of Palestinian collective The Question of Funding. They subsequently discussed the Reverse Economy with each other, artistic action researcher Klaas Burger and Godelieve Spaas of Avans Research Group New Economy.
Future of Work is a hybrid platform for artistic research and co-creation in support of a new collective economy. The proposition of Reverse Economy acknowledges that the economy has become increasingly central to our thinking and acting in recent decades. ‘As if the economy shapes us instead of the other way around; our values, desires, culture, ecology and politics shaping the economy. How can we reverse this?’
Read more about the Reverse Economy. Programme in English. The conversation recording is planned for release in the podcast series De Tussenruimte live, facilitated by Godelieve Spaas. The live event took place at the Willem Twee Art Space in Den Bosch on October 19 2022.