co-design with catharina van eetvelde: a cherished garment
Initially acquainted with the flax field as part of The Linen Project’s wider community, Catharina van Eetvelde speaks of an intimate connection in being a Linen Steward; an engagement that transcends her professional practice as an artist and simultaneously finds its way into her expressions. For the occasion of her presentation of woo, the performance of a drawing in the air sung together with Claron McFadden at Kunstenfestival Watou 2021, one of Catharina’s dearest garments was replicated through co-design. André van Kessel attentively crafted the dress from one of the first textiles woven by Enschede Textielstad using organic linen yarn produced from The Linen Project flax harvest. It has become another cherished garment; Catharina is pictured wearing it below, amongst the ripening flax at the Linen Stewards’ field in Hemmen leading up to the 2021 harvest.
catharina van eetvelde at the linen stewards’ field, photo by pascale gatzen